Is Porn an Effective or Appropriate Tutorial for Virgins?
From a purely logical perspective, you’d naturally expect virgin guys and girls to watch more porn.
For one thing, teens and adults who aren’t sexually active need to get their kicks one way or another. With so much porn being freely available, it simply makes sense that this would be their chosen outlet.
Secondly, anyone who’s yet to actually do the deed themselves would undoubtedly appreciate a few insights. You browse the various porn categories, you pick up a few pointers, and you gain at least a semi-decent picture of what happens when it happens.
Still, accurate statistics with regard to virgin porn consumption are hard to come by. Understandably, quite a lot of people who are categorized within this particular bracket would prefer to keep it a secret. The older they are, the less likely they are to be completely honest.
But when you think back to a time when you yourself were completely sexually inexperienced, there’s a strong chance you watched a lot more porn than you do today. Unless you’re still a virgin – which is nothing to be ashamed of – in which case you probably still have your fill pretty often.
Is Porn an Effective Tutorial for Virgins?
Most people would admit they’ve at least taken one tip, trick or technique from a porn clip in their time. Either for their own benefit or that of their partner, it’s natural to recreate (or at least attempt to) what you’ve seen others getting up to.
As for whether this means porn can be an effective tutorial for virgins, there are two schools of thought on the whole thing. One firmly in favor of porn as an educational tool, the other painting quite the opposite picture.
Yes – Porn Can Serve As a Useful Tutorial
Those who advocate and recommend porn for its educational purposes have a fair amount of logic on their side. You’ve never done it before, you’ve never been in the presence of other people doing it before, and you’d have no idea what to do if the situation presented itself.
In which case, why wouldn’t you watch an absolute ton of porn to learn the ropes beforehand?
Indeed, the right porn clips and categories really can provide invaluable insights for future use. Imagine having your first sexual experience without ever having seen how it all works…a daunting prospect to say the least!
No – Porn Teaches Nothing But Bad Habits
On the flip side of the coin, you could also argue that certain types of porn could instill bad habits. Which is true, depending on the clips and categories you go with.
Some types of porn paint a wholly unrealistic picture of how healthy and enjoyable sex actually works. There’s a little to no romance or female-focus in quite a lot of porn – not the ideal basis for a healthy romantic relationship.
In addition, there are some who say watching porn as a virgin gradually desensitizes you to sex. Which basically means that when the time comes, it’s nowhere near as exciting, new or novel as it could have been.