What to do when the level of libido is close to … gout?
The more sexual stimuli around us, the less … we have sex. Unfortunately. These are the conclusions of the scientists. Today, sex is one of the many pastimes, not a forbidden fruit, as it used to be. That’s why people just … lose interest in it. The entertainment is so much that sex really … ceases to be interesting.
We have a few rules for you that will make you feel real lust again!
- Physical effort increases the level of male hormones, so go to the gym, go jogging, of course do not overdo it … What a lot is not healthy. Research confirms that masculinity is greatly influenced by martial arts, so if you like this type of sport … just try! Of course, do not be persuaded to all kinds of anabolics or other “aphrodisiacs”, which rather quickly deprive you of the remains of masculinity.
2.If you are getting ready for a long meeting with your lover, get a good night’s sleep. Less than 5 hours of sleep a day for just a few days have a huge impact on testosterone levels – it flies “head to neck”.
- Everyone should know that you can’t overdo it with alcohol. Of course, alcohol in a small dose will loosen you, remove the blockade from you (from it also …), but … higher doses, or worse – alcohol abuse causes testosterone to drop strongly.
4.If you are looking for good supplements that will “help” you on this intoxicating night, then look for those with natural composition: oat extract, L-arganine, fenugreek extract – they will strengthen libido, improve body efficiency, and improve erection. Never try inventions from the internet.
- Did you realize that as many as 30% of cases of sexual apathy are caused by DEPRESSION? It is a disease that can and must be treated. Dear Sirs – it’s not like you are “psychic” – depression is a disease like many others that needs to be treated.
Be sure to pay attention to your diet, fatigue, stress … Also check if it is not the fault … of a failed relationship. If you don’t get along well with your partner in your life, a “problem” may also appear in bed.